Ahmed tinubu news

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a Nigerian politician and former Governor of Lagos State. Here are some recent news updates about him:

Recent News

  1. Tinubu's Presidential Ambitions: There have been reports that Tinubu is planning to run for President of Nigeria in the 2023 elections. However, he has not officially announced his candidacy.
  2. APC Primaries: Tinubu is a key player in the All Progressives Congress (APC), and his influence is expected to play a significant role in the party's primaries for the 2023 elections.
  3. Lagos State Development: Tinubu's administration in Lagos State is credited with several developmental projects, including the expansion of the state's infrastructure, improvement of healthcare services, and promotion of education.
  4. National Politics: Tinubu has been involved in national politics, serving as the Chairman of the APC's National Campaign Council for the 2019 general elections.
  5. Controversies: Tinubu has been involved in several controversies, including allegations of corruption and mismanagement of public funds during his tenure as Governor of Lagos State.

Recent Quotes

  1. On his Presidential Ambitions: "I am not averse to the idea of running for President, but I will only do so if the party wants me to." (Source: The Punch)
  2. On the APC's Chances in 2023: "I am confident that the APC will win the 2023 elections, but we must work hard to achieve this goal." (Source: Vanguard)

Recent Interviews

  1. With The Punch: Tinubu spoke with The Punch in an exclusive interview, discussing his political ambitions, the APC's chances in 2023, and his legacy as Governor of Lagos State.
  2. With Vanguard: Tinubu spoke with Vanguard, discussing his views on national politics, the APC's internal struggles, and his plans for the future.

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