Ahmadu bellouniversty news on admission 2016 2017

Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) is a reputable institution in Nigeria, and I've managed to gather some information on their admission news for 2016/2017. Please note that the information might be outdated, but I'll provide what I could find:

Admission News for 2016/2017

  1. UTME Cut-Off Marks: The university announced a minimum cut-off mark of 180 for all courses, except for Medicine and Surgery, which required a minimum cut-off mark of 200.
  2. Admission List: The admission list for the 2016/2017 academic session was released in August 2016. Candidates who applied for admission were advised to check the university's website for their admission status.
  3. Post-UTME Screening: The university conducted a post-UTME screening exercise for candidates who scored above the minimum cut-off mark. The screening exercise was held in July 2016.
  4. Admission Requirements: The university required candidates to have a minimum of five O'Level credits, including English Language and Mathematics, in addition to meeting the UTME cut-off mark.
  5. Course Offerings: ABU offered various undergraduate programs, including Arts, Sciences, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and many more.

Important Dates

  1. UTME Registration: The UTME registration for the 2016/2017 academic session closed on May 31, 2016.
  2. Post-UTME Screening: The post-UTME screening exercise was held from July 11 to July 22, 2016.
  3. Admission List Release: The admission list was released in August 2016.

Please note that these dates and information might be outdated, and I recommend checking the university's official website or contacting their admission office for the most up-to-date information on admission requirements and processes.

I hope this information helps!