Ahabarimala news

Ayyappa Jyothi!

Ayyappa Bhavanamala is a popular news website that provides updates on the Sabarimala Temple and the Ayyappa devotees. Here are some recent news articles from the website:

  1. Sabarimala Temple Reopens After 5-Month Closure: The Sabarimala Temple has reopened after a five-month closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Devotees are allowed to visit the temple with certain restrictions.
  2. Ayyappa Devotees Protest Against Women's Entry: Ayyappa devotees have been protesting against the entry of women of menstruating age into the Sabarimala Temple. The protests have been ongoing for several months.
  3. Supreme Court Refuses to Stay Order on Women's Entry: The Supreme Court has refused to stay its order allowing women of all ages to enter the Sabarimala Temple. The court has given the Kerala government time to implement the order.
  4. Kerala Government to Implement Supreme Court Order: The Kerala government has announced that it will implement the Supreme Court order allowing women of all ages to enter the Sabarimala Temple. The government has also set up a committee to oversee the implementation of the order.
  5. Ayyappa Devotees Plan Mass Pilgrimage: Ayyappa devotees are planning a mass pilgrimage to the Sabarimala Temple to protest against the entry of women of menstruating age. The pilgrimage is expected to take place in November.

These are just a few of the recent news articles from Ayyappa Bhavanamala. The website provides regular updates on the Sabarimala Temple and the Ayyappa devotees, as well as news on other topics related to Hinduism and spirituality.