Agriculture records first gdp growth under buhari but not due to border closure

I think there may be some misinformation here.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria's agriculture sector did experience a growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during President Muhammadu Buhari's administration, but not necessarily due to the border closure.

In fact, the NBS reported that the agriculture sector grew by 3.54% in 2019, which was the highest growth rate in the sector since 2013. This growth was attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Improved rainfall: The 2019 rainy season was characterized by above-average rainfall, which led to an increase in crop yields and agricultural production.
  2. Increased investment: The government's investment in agriculture, including the Anchor Borrowers' Programme (ABP) and the Agricultural Development Program (ADP), helped to boost agricultural production and productivity.
  3. Improved agricultural policies: The government's policies, such as the Agricultural Promotion Policy (2016-2020) and the National Agricultural Development Plan (2016-2025), aimed to promote agricultural development and increase food production.

Regarding the border closure, while it may have had some positive effects on the agriculture sector, such as reducing smuggling and increasing local production, it is not the primary reason for the sector's growth. The border closure was implemented in August 2019 to curb smuggling and protect local industries, but its impact on the agriculture sector is still being debated.

In conclusion, while the agriculture sector did experience growth during President Buhari's administration, it was not solely due to the border closure. The growth was attributed to a combination of factors, including improved rainfall, increased investment, and improved agricultural policies.