Agriculture news today 28 november 2018

Here are some agriculture news stories from November 28, 2018:

  1. USDA Reports Strong Corn and Soybean Yields: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its November Crop Production report, showing strong yields for corn and soybeans. Corn yields averaged 181.8 bushels per acre, while soybean yields averaged 52.8 bushels per acre. (Source: Farm Futures)
  2. Trade War Impact on US Agriculture: The ongoing trade war between the US and China is taking a toll on US agriculture. The USDA estimates that the trade war has resulted in a $11 billion loss for US farmers this year. (Source: Bloomberg)
  3. Drought Conditions Improve in California: After a dry summer, drought conditions in California have improved significantly. The US Drought Monitor reports that 34% of the state is now in drought, down from 64% in July. (Source: California Department of Water Resources)
  4. New Pesticide Approved for Use in US: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a new pesticide, sulfoxaflor, for use in the US. The pesticide is designed to control pests that are resistant to other pesticides. (Source: EPA)
  5. Farm Bill Negotiations Continue: Negotiations on the 2018 Farm Bill are ongoing, with lawmakers working to reach a deal before the current bill expires on December 31. The bill provides funding for agricultural programs and food assistance. (Source: Politico)
  6. African Swine Fever Outbreak in China: China has reported an outbreak of African Swine Fever, a highly contagious and deadly disease that affects pigs. The outbreak has raised concerns about the potential impact on the global pork supply. (Source: Reuters)
  7. USDA Announces Funding for Organic Farmers: The USDA has announced funding for organic farmers through the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative. The program provides funding for research and education on organic farming practices. (Source: USDA)
  8. Farmers' Mental Health a Growing Concern: A new study has highlighted the growing concern about farmers' mental health. The study found that farmers are at a higher risk of depression and anxiety due to the physical and emotional demands of farming. (Source: The Guardian)
  9. New Technology for Crop Monitoring: A new technology has been developed to monitor crop health and detect pests and diseases earlier. The technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze satellite imagery and detect issues before they become severe. (Source: Agri-Pulse)
  10. USDA Reports Increase in Farm Income: The USDA has reported an increase in farm income for the third quarter of 2018. Farm income rose 3.4% from the previous quarter, driven by higher prices for corn and soybeans. (Source: USDA)

These are just a few of the agriculture news stories from November 28, 2018. If you're looking for more information, I can try to find additional stories for you!