Agriculture businesses in new brunswick

New Brunswick is a significant producer of agricultural products in Canada, with a diverse range of crops and livestock being raised in the province. Here are some examples of agriculture businesses in New Brunswick:

  1. Potato farming: New Brunswick is one of the largest potato-producing provinces in Canada, with many farms specializing in seed potatoes, processing potatoes, and table potatoes.
  2. Blueberry farming: New Brunswick is known for its wild blueberries, with many farms harvesting and processing these berries for use in jams, jellies, and other products.
  3. Dairy farming: New Brunswick has a significant dairy industry, with many farms producing milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
  4. Beef farming: New Brunswick is home to many beef farms, which raise cattle for meat production.
  5. Organic farming: New Brunswick has a growing organic farming sector, with many farms producing organic produce, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  6. Aquaculture: New Brunswick has a significant aquaculture industry, with many farms producing salmon, mussels, and other seafood products.
  7. Maple syrup production: New Brunswick is home to many maple syrup producers, who tap maple trees to produce this popular sweetener.
  8. Farm-to-table operations: Many farms in New Brunswick offer farm-to-table operations, where customers can purchase fresh produce directly from the farm.

Some specific agriculture businesses in New Brunswick include:

  1. J.M. Stewart & Sons Ltd. - a potato farm and processing facility based in Florenceville-Bristol.
  2. Wild Blueberry Association of New Brunswick - a trade organization that represents the wild blueberry industry in the province.
  3. New Brunswick Dairy Association - a trade organization that represents the dairy industry in the province.
  4. Atlantic Beef Products - a beef processing facility based in Saint John.
  5. Organic Meadow - a dairy farm and processing facility based in Gagetown that produces organic milk and cheese.
  6. Fundy Bay Aquafarms - an aquaculture farm based in Riverside-Albert that produces salmon and other seafood products.
  7. Maple Hill Farm - a maple syrup producer based in Hartland that offers tours and tastings.
  8. The Farm at Wyndham - a farm-to-table operation based in Wyndham that offers fresh produce, baked goods, and other products.

These are just a few examples of the many agriculture businesses in New Brunswick. The province has a strong agricultural sector, with many farms and businesses producing a wide range of products.