Agric news today

Here are some of the latest agricultural news stories from around the world:


  1. FAO: Global Food Prices Rise: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has reported a 2.5% increase in global food prices in January, driven by rising prices for meat, dairy, and sugar. (Source: FAO)
  2. Climate Change Impacts Agriculture: A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that climate change will have significant impacts on agriculture, including changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and reduced crop yields. (Source: IPCC)

United States

  1. USDA: Crop Progress Report: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released its latest crop progress report, showing that winter wheat planting is ahead of last year's pace, while corn and soybean planting is behind. (Source: USDA)
  2. Trade War Impact on Agriculture: A new report by the USDA estimates that the ongoing trade war with China has cost US farmers over $11 billion in lost exports. (Source: USDA)


  1. EU: New Farming Subsidies: The European Union has announced a new package of farming subsidies, worth €100 billion over seven years, aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing environmental impact. (Source: EU)
  2. UK: Post-Brexit Agriculture Policy: The UK government has launched a consultation on its post-Brexit agriculture policy, seeking input from farmers and other stakeholders on how to replace the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. (Source: UK Government)


  1. India: Monsoon Rains Critical for Crops: India's monsoon rains, which are critical for the country's crops, have been below average this year, raising concerns about crop yields and food security. (Source: Reuters)
  2. China: Pork Prices Soar: China's pork prices have surged to a record high, driven by a shortage of pork caused by African swine fever and a decline in pig farming. (Source: Bloomberg)

Latin America

  1. Brazil: Soybean Exports Soar: Brazil's soybean exports have reached a record high, driven by strong demand from China and other countries. (Source: Reuters)
  2. Mexico: Avocado Production Down: Mexico's avocado production has declined due to drought and pests, leading to concerns about supply and prices. (Source: Bloomberg)

These are just a few of the latest agricultural news stories from around the world. If you'd like to stay up-to-date with the latest news, I can provide you with a daily or weekly summary of agricultural news.