Agodi gardens news

Agodi Gardens is a popular tourist destination in Ibadan, Nigeria. Here are some recent news and updates about Agodi Gardens:

  1. Reopening of Agodi Gardens: After a brief closure due to renovations, Agodi Gardens reopened in October 2020. The gardens have been upgraded with new attractions, including a mini-zoo, a botanical garden, and a children's playground.
  2. New Attractions: The gardens now feature a mini-zoo with a variety of animals, including monkeys, snakes, and birds. Visitors can also explore the botanical garden, which showcases a wide range of plant species.
  3. Improved Infrastructure: The gardens have been renovated with improved infrastructure, including new walkways, seating areas, and restrooms.
  4. Events and Activities: Agodi Gardens regularly hosts events and activities, such as concerts, festivals, and cultural performances. Visitors can also participate in guided tours, bird-watching, and picnics.
  5. Conservation Efforts: The gardens are committed to conservation efforts, including the protection of endangered species and the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.
  6. Accessibility: Agodi Gardens is easily accessible by car or public transportation, with ample parking available on site.
  7. Ticket Prices: The gardens offer different ticket options, including a general admission ticket, a VIP ticket, and a group ticket. Prices range from N500 to N5,000 (approximately $1.30 to $13.00 USD).
  8. Opening Hours: Agodi Gardens is open daily from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with extended hours during peak seasons.
  9. Food and Beverage: The gardens have a restaurant and snack bars that offer a range of local and international cuisine, including traditional Nigerian dishes and refreshments.
  10. Accommodation: Visitors can book accommodations at the gardens' on-site hotel or nearby hotels and guesthouses.

Please note that the information provided is subject to change, and it's always best to check with the Agodi Gardens management or official website for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.