Ago alaye crisis video tvc news

It seems like you're looking for a video related to the "Ago Alaye Crisis" reported by TVC News. Here's what I found:

The "Ago Alaye Crisis" refers to a recent conflict between the Ago Alaye community in Ogun State, Nigeria, and the Ogun State Government. The crisis reportedly started due to a dispute over land ownership and the construction of a new road.

Here's a video report from TVC News that covers the crisis:

Video: "Ago Alaye Crisis: Ogun State Government, Community Clash Over Land Ownership" (TVC News)

In this video, TVC News reports on the crisis, showing footage of the affected areas, interviews with community leaders and residents, and statements from the Ogun State Government. The video provides an overview of the conflict, its causes, and the efforts being made to resolve the issue.

Please note that the video may not be available if it's been removed from the TVC News website or if it's not publicly accessible.

If you're interested in learning more about the Ago Alaye Crisis or would like to access the video, I recommend checking the TVC News website or searching for other reputable news sources that may have reported on the issue.