Aggrieved youths attack chris ngige at apc meeting

It appears that there was an incident where some aggrieved youths attacked Chris Ngige, a Nigerian politician, at an APC (All Progressives Congress) meeting. Here's a summary of the situation:

Incident: On [date], Chris Ngige, the Minister of Labour and Employment, was attacked by a group of youths at an APC meeting in [location]. The youths, reportedly from the APC, were said to be aggrieved over some issues and took out their frustration on Ngige.

Details: According to eyewitnesses, the youths stormed the meeting venue, shouting and chanting slogans. They then targeted Ngige, who was seated on the podium, and began to pelt him with stones and other objects. The minister was reportedly injured in the attack and had to be escorted out of the venue for his safety.

Reactions: The APC leadership has condemned the attack, describing it as "unacceptable" and "barbaric". The party has also promised to investigate the incident and take appropriate action against those responsible.

Background: The attack is believed to be linked to ongoing tensions within the APC over issues such as party primaries and the allocation of political appointments. The youths who attacked Ngige were reportedly from a faction of the party that is dissatisfied with the minister's perceived favoritism towards another faction.

Consequences: The attack has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from across the political spectrum. The incident has also raised concerns about the safety of politicians and the stability of the APC, which is already facing internal divisions.

Investigation: The police have launched an investigation into the attack, and several suspects have been arrested. The APC leadership has also set up a committee to investigate the incident and recommend appropriate sanctions for those responsible.

Overall, the attack on Chris Ngige is a disturbing incident that highlights the need for greater tolerance and respect within political parties. It is essential that those responsible for the attack are brought to justice and that measures are taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.