Agenda 2063ll create 60m jobs in africa otunba akinboboye

I think there may be a slight mistake here. Agenda 2063 is a vision for Africa's future, adopted by the African Union in 2013, which aims to transform the continent by 2063. It's not a specific project or initiative that will create 60 million jobs in Africa.

However, Agenda 2063 does have several goals and objectives that could potentially lead to the creation of millions of jobs in Africa. Some of these goals include:

  1. Promoting economic growth and development: Agenda 2063 aims to achieve an average annual economic growth rate of 7% by 2063, which could lead to the creation of millions of jobs.
  2. Improving infrastructure: The agenda calls for significant investments in infrastructure development, including transportation, energy, and communication networks, which could create jobs in construction, engineering, and other related fields.
  3. Enhancing human capital: Agenda 2063 aims to improve education, healthcare, and other social services, which could lead to the development of a more skilled and productive workforce, creating more job opportunities.
  4. Promoting industrialization: The agenda encourages the development of industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and services, which could create jobs in these sectors.

Regarding the quote "Otunba Akinboboye", I couldn't find any information on a person by that name who is associated with Agenda 2063 or the creation of 60 million jobs in Africa. It's possible that this is a misquote or a reference to a different person or initiative.

In any case, creating 60 million jobs in Africa would require significant investments in education, infrastructure, and economic development, as well as a concerted effort by governments, businesses, and civil society to promote economic growth and job creation.