Against isis latest news

Here are some of the latest news updates on the fight against ISIS:

Recent Developments:

  1. ISIS loses last stronghold in Syria: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on March 23 that they had captured the last ISIS stronghold in Baghuz, Syria, marking a significant milestone in the fight against the terrorist group.
  2. US-backed forces launch operation to retake ISIS-held territory in Iraq: On March 25, US-backed forces launched an operation to retake ISIS-held territory in western Iraq, aiming to drive the group out of its last remaining strongholds in the country.
  3. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly killed in US raid: On October 26, 2019, US President Donald Trump announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed in a US military raid in Syria, a major blow to the terrorist group.
  4. ISIS sleeper cells continue to pose threat: Despite the loss of its territorial caliphate, ISIS sleeper cells and affiliates continue to carry out attacks and pose a threat to regional stability.

Recent Attacks:

  1. ISIS suicide bombing kills 30 in Baghdad: On March 11, a suicide bombing claimed by ISIS killed at least 30 people in a crowded market in Baghdad, Iraq.
  2. ISIS attacks Iraqi military base: On March 10, ISIS militants attacked an Iraqi military base in Kirkuk, killing at least 10 soldiers and wounding several others.
  3. ISIS claims responsibility for attack on US-led coalition convoy: On February 27, ISIS claimed responsibility for an attack on a US-led coalition convoy in eastern Syria, which killed at least one American contractor.

International Efforts:

  1. US-led coalition continues airstrikes against ISIS: The US-led coalition has continued to conduct airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, aiming to disrupt the group's ability to regroup and launch attacks.
  2. International partners pledge support to defeat ISIS: In February, international partners including the US, UK, France, and others pledged to continue supporting efforts to defeat ISIS and prevent its resurgence.
  3. UN Security Council condemns ISIS attacks: The UN Security Council has condemned several ISIS attacks in recent months, calling on all countries to cooperate in the fight against the terrorist group.

Challenges Ahead:

  1. ISIS's ability to adapt and evolve: ISIS has shown an ability to adapt and evolve, using new tactics and strategies to carry out attacks and spread its ideology.
  2. Sustaining international support: The fight against ISIS requires sustained international support, which can be challenging to maintain over time.
  3. Addressing root causes of extremism: Addressing the root causes of extremism, including poverty, political instability, and social marginalization, is critical to preventing the resurgence of ISIS and other terrorist groups.

These are just a few of the latest news updates on the fight against ISIS. The situation is constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments to understand the challenges and opportunities in the fight against this terrorist group.