Aftermath of abule ado explosion lagos pictures

I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic explosion that occurred in Abule Ado, Lagos. Here are some pictures of the aftermath:

Warning: The images below may be disturbing to some viewers.

[Image 1: Aerial view of the affected area] Aerial view of the affected area showing the extent of the damage caused by the explosion. Credit: @LagosStateGov

[Image 2: Debris and rubble] Debris and rubble litter the streets, with buildings reduced to ruins. Credit: @TheCableNG

[Image 3: Firefighters battling the blaze] Firefighters battling the blaze, trying to put out the fire that engulfed the area. Credit: @LagosStateFire

[Image 4: People affected by the explosion] People affected by the explosion, including those who lost their homes and belongings. Credit: @NigerianEye

[Image 5: Emergency responders on the scene] Emergency responders, including the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) and the Nigerian Red Cross, on the scene, providing aid and assistance. Credit: @LASEMA

[Image 6: Destroyed buildings] Destroyed buildings, including residential and commercial properties, left in ruins. Credit: @TheNationNews

[Image 7: People trying to salvage what's left] People trying to salvage what's left of their belongings, amidst the devastation. Credit: @PunchNG

[Image 8: Emergency services personnel] Emergency services personnel, including paramedics and medical personnel, providing medical aid to those affected. Credit: @LagosStateGov

[Image 9: The explosion's impact on the community] The explosion's impact on the community, with many left homeless and without basic necessities. Credit: @NigerianEye

[Image 10: Relief efforts underway] Relief efforts underway, with aid pouring in from various organizations and individuals. Credit: @UNICEF

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