After selecting optimized how to assign new properties to members

After selecting "Optimized" in the "How to assign new properties to members" dropdown menu in the @odata.type annotation, you can assign new properties to members using the following syntax:

public class MyCollection
    public MyCollection()
        this.Value = new List<string>();

    public List<string> Value { get; set; }

In this example, the MyCollection class has a Value property of type List<string>. When you create an instance of MyCollection, you can add new strings to the Value list using the Add method:

MyCollection collection = new MyCollection();

The Optimized option tells the OData runtime to optimize the assignment of new properties to members by using a more efficient algorithm. This can improve performance when working with large datasets.

Note that when you use the Optimized option, you must ensure that the type of the member is compatible with the type of the value being assigned. For example, if the member is of type Edm.String, you can only assign a value of type Edm.String or a subtype of Edm.String (such as Edm.StringCollection).

It's also important to note that the Optimized option only applies to the assignment of new properties to members, and does not affect the behavior of existing properties.