After protests google drops berlin campus plans #comments

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about Google's decision to drop its plans to build a new campus in Berlin, Germany. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: Google had announced plans to build a new campus in Berlin, which was expected to create thousands of new jobs and become a major hub for the company's European operations.

Protests: However, the plans faced opposition from local residents and activists who were concerned about the impact of the campus on the city's character, gentrification, and the displacement of long-time residents.

Outcome: In response to the protests and concerns, Google has decided to drop its plans to build the new campus in Berlin. The company cited "changing circumstances" and a desire to focus on other initiatives in the city.

Here are some comments from the article:

Comment 1: "Good riddance! Berlin doesn't need another soulless corporate campus. We need to preserve our city's unique character and community spirit."

Comment 2: "This is a huge disappointment. I was looking forward to the new jobs and opportunities that the campus would bring. I hope Google will reconsider and find a way to make it work."

Comment 3: "I'm glad to see that the community's concerns were heard. We need to prioritize people over profits and ensure that our city remains a place where everyone can thrive."

Comment 4: "This is a victory for the people of Berlin! We won't let corporate interests dictate our city's future. We'll continue to fight for a Berlin that's affordable, inclusive, and sustainable."

These comments reflect the diverse opinions and perspectives on the issue. While some people are relieved that the campus won't be built, others are disappointed and concerned about the potential impact on the city's economy and job market.