After loin using firebase it is not showing new activity

I'm happy to help you troubleshoot the issue!

When you say "after loin using Firebase", I assume you mean that you've integrated Firebase into your app and are experiencing issues with new activities not being displayed after logging in.

Here are some potential reasons and solutions to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Make sure you're using the correct Firebase SDK version: Ensure that you're using the latest version of the Firebase SDK for your platform (e.g., Android or iOS). You can check the Firebase documentation for the latest version and update your SDK accordingly.
  2. Verify your Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore setup: Double-check that your Realtime Database or Firestore instance is properly configured and data is being written to the correct location. You can use the Firebase console to verify this.
  3. Check your data retrieval code: Review your code that retrieves data from Firebase after login. Ensure that you're correctly querying the database and handling any errors that might occur.
  4. Use Firebase's onValueEventListener or onSnapshotListener: When listening for data changes in Firebase, use onValueEventListener or onSnapshotListener to receive updates when data changes. This can help you detect new activities.
  5. Implement Firebase's onAuthStateChanged listener: If you're using Firebase Authentication, make sure to implement the onAuthStateChanged listener to detect changes in the user's authentication state. This can help you trigger updates when a new activity is created.
  6. Clear app data and cache: Sometimes, clearing the app's data and cache can resolve issues with Firebase not updating correctly. Try clearing the app's data and cache on your device and see if the issue persists.
  7. Check for any errors or exceptions: Review your app's logs and error messages to see if there are any issues with Firebase or your data retrieval code. This can help you identify the root cause of the problem.
  8. Verify your Firebase rules: Ensure that your Firebase rules are correctly configured to allow data to be written and read. You can check the Firebase documentation for more information on configuring rules.
  9. Try a simple test: Create a simple test to verify that Firebase is working correctly. For example, try writing a new activity to the database and then reading it back to ensure that the data is being updated correctly.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your app, including the Firebase version, platform, and any relevant code snippets. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue!