After effect cc new composition wont opem


If a new composition won't open in After Effects CC, here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Check for corrupted files: Sometimes, a corrupted file can prevent a composition from opening. Try closing all projects and then reopening the project that's giving you trouble. If it still doesn't open, try deleting the project file and recreating it.
  2. Check the composition settings: Make sure the composition settings are correct. Go to File > New > Composition, and then check the settings:
    • Width and Height: Ensure they're set to a valid value.
    • Frame Rate: Verify it's set to a valid frame rate (e.g., 24, 25, 30, etc.).
    • Color Mode: Ensure it's set to a valid color mode (e.g., RGB, YUV, etc.).
  3. Check for conflicts with other projects: If you have multiple projects open, try closing all other projects and then reopening the problematic composition.
  4. Check for corrupted preferences: Corrupted preferences can cause issues with opening compositions. Try resetting your After Effects preferences:
    • Go to Edit > Preferences > General.
    • Click on Reset Preferences.
    • Restart After Effects.
  5. Check for updates: Ensure you're running the latest version of After Effects CC. You can check for updates by going to Help > Updates.
  6. Try a different location: If you're trying to open a composition from a network location or an external hard drive, try moving the composition to a local location on your computer.
  7. Check for disk space: Ensure you have enough free disk space on your computer. Low disk space can cause issues with opening compositions.
  8. Try a different project: If you're experiencing issues with a specific project, try creating a new project and importing the problematic composition into it.
  9. Check for third-party plugin conflicts: If you're using third-party plugins, try disabling them one by one to see if any of them are causing the issue.
  10. Contact Adobe Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you can contact Adobe Support for further assistance.

I hope these steps help you resolve the issue and get your composition open in After Effects CC!