Africom news

Africom is the United States Africa Command, a military command of the United States Department of Defense responsible for military operations and relations with African countries. Here are some recent news articles and updates related to Africom:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "US Africa Command says it's working to improve relations with African countries" (Al Jazeera, March 2023) - The article discusses Africom's efforts to improve its relationships with African countries, including through increased communication and cooperation on security issues.
  2. "Africom chief says US will continue to support African security" (Defense News, February 2023) - The article quotes Africom Commander General Michael Langley as saying that the US will continue to support African security efforts, including through training and capacity-building programs.
  3. "US, African countries discuss security cooperation at Africom-hosted conference" (Stars and Stripes, January 2023) - The article reports on a conference hosted by Africom that brought together military leaders from the US and African countries to discuss security cooperation and challenges.

Recent Updates:

  1. Africom's Counterterrorism Efforts: Africom has been involved in counterterrorism efforts in Africa, including operations against terrorist groups such as al-Shabaab in Somalia and Boko Haram in Nigeria.
  2. Security Cooperation: Africom has been working to strengthen security cooperation with African countries, including through training and capacity-building programs, as well as joint exercises and operations.
  3. Humanitarian Assistance: Africom has been involved in providing humanitarian assistance to African countries, including in response to natural disasters and conflicts.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Africom has been working to improve infrastructure in Africa, including through projects such as the construction of roads, bridges, and ports.

Recent Statements and Speeches:

  1. Africom Commander's Statement on Africa Day: General Michael Langley, the commander of Africom, released a statement on Africa Day (May 25) highlighting the importance of US-Africa relations and the command's efforts to support African security and stability.
  2. US Secretary of Defense's Statement on Africa: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin released a statement on Africa Day, highlighting the importance of US-Africa relations and the department's efforts to support African security and stability.

I hope this information is helpful!