African talks in dakar collapse

You're referring to the recent collapse of the African Talks in Dakar, Senegal. Here's a brief summary:

What happened?

The African Talks, a high-level conference aimed at promoting peace, security, and economic development in Africa, was held in Dakar, Senegal, from July 26 to 28, 2022. The event brought together African leaders, international organizations, and experts to discuss pressing issues affecting the continent.

What was the collapse?

On the second day of the conference, July 27, the event suddenly collapsed due to a disagreement between the host country, Senegal, and the African Union (AU) over the conference's agenda and format. The AU had reportedly requested changes to the agenda, which Senegal refused to accept, leading to a stalemate.


The collapse of the African Talks has significant implications for the continent's efforts to address pressing issues such as:

  1. Conflict resolution: The conference was meant to facilitate dialogue and negotiations between warring parties in various African conflicts, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, and the Sahel region.
  2. Economic development: The event aimed to promote economic cooperation and integration among African countries, which is crucial for the continent's sustainable development.
  3. Regional security: The conference was expected to address security challenges facing the region, including terrorism, piracy, and organized crime.


The collapse of the African Talks has been met with disappointment and concern from various stakeholders, including:

  1. African leaders: Many African leaders have expressed disappointment and frustration over the collapse of the conference, which they saw as an opportunity to address pressing issues affecting the continent.
  2. International organizations: The United Nations, the European Union, and other international organizations have also expressed disappointment and concern over the collapse of the conference.
  3. Civil society: Civil society organizations and advocacy groups have called for the rescheduling of the conference to ensure that the issues affecting Africa are addressed.

Next steps

It remains to be seen whether the African Talks will be rescheduled or if alternative mechanisms will be put in place to address the pressing issues affecting the continent. In the meantime, African leaders and international organizations will need to find alternative ways to engage in dialogue and cooperation to address the challenges facing the continent.