African philanthropy news network

Here are some African philanthropy news networks and organizations that you may find useful:

  1. African Philanthropy Forum (APF): A platform that brings together philanthropists, foundations, and social entrepreneurs to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in philanthropy.
  2. The Africa Philanthropy Network (APN): A network of philanthropic organizations and individuals working together to promote philanthropy and social investment in Africa.
  3. The Philanthropy News Digest (PND): A daily news service that provides information on philanthropy and nonprofit issues, with a focus on Africa and the global south.
  4. The African Philanthropy Database (APD): A database of philanthropic organizations and individuals working in Africa, providing information on their work, funding priorities, and contact details.
  5. The Foundation Center: A leading source of information on philanthropy and nonprofit organizations, with a focus on the United States and Africa.
  6. The Global Philanthropy Project (GPP): A network of philanthropic organizations and individuals working together to promote philanthropy and social investment globally, with a focus on Africa.
  7. The African Development Bank (AfDB): A multilateral development bank that provides funding and support for development projects in Africa, with a focus on philanthropy and social investment.
  8. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): A global development organization that provides funding and support for development projects in Africa, with a focus on philanthropy and social investment.
  9. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: A global philanthropic organization that provides funding and support for development projects in Africa, with a focus on health, education, and poverty reduction.
  10. The Mastercard Foundation: A global philanthropic organization that provides funding and support for development projects in Africa, with a focus on education, healthcare, and economic development.

These are just a few examples of African philanthropy news networks and organizations. There are many more out there, and I hope this helps you get started in your search!