African international institutions in new york

Here are some African international institutions with a presence in New York:

  1. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA): The ECA is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations, with its headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The ECA has a liaison office in New York.
  2. African Union (AU) Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations: The AU has a permanent observer mission to the United Nations, which is responsible for promoting the interests of the African Union at the UN.
  3. African Development Bank (AfDB) New York Office: The AfDB is a multilateral development bank that aims to promote economic development and poverty reduction in Africa. The New York office serves as a liaison between the bank and the international community.
  4. New York Office of the African Development Fund (ADF): The ADF is a window of the AfDB that provides concessional financing to low-income countries in Africa. The New York office is responsible for promoting the ADF's activities and mobilizing resources.
  5. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) New York Office: IFAD is an international financial institution that aims to eradicate poverty and hunger in rural areas. The New York office serves as a liaison between IFAD and the international community.
  6. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Africa Bureau: The UNDP Africa Bureau is responsible for implementing UNDP's development programs in Africa. The bureau has a presence in New York and works closely with UNDP's country offices in Africa.
  7. African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP): IDEP is an international research and training institute that aims to promote economic development and planning in Africa. The institute has a presence in New York and offers training programs and research services.
  8. New York Office of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF): The ACBF is a pan-African institution that aims to promote capacity building and human development in Africa. The New York office serves as a liaison between the ACBF and the international community.
  9. African Institute for International Law and Justice (AIILJ): The AIILJ is an international research and training institute that aims to promote the rule of law and international justice in Africa. The institute has a presence in New York and offers training programs and research services.
  10. New York Office of the African Union's New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD): NEPAD is a pan-African initiative that aims to promote economic development and poverty reduction in Africa. The New York office serves as a liaison between NEPAD and the international community.

These are just a few examples of African international institutions with a presence in New York. There may be others that are not listed here.