African film festival new zealand 2020

The African Film Festival New Zealand (AFFNZ) is an annual event that showcases the best of African cinema in New Zealand. Here are some details about the 2020 edition:

Dates: The 2020 African Film Festival New Zealand took place from August 14 to 23, 2020.

Location: The festival was held at various venues in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, including the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, the Wellington Film Society, and the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū.

Programme: The festival featured a diverse range of African films, including feature films, short films, documentaries, and animations. The programme included:

Themes: The festival explored various themes, including:

Special events: The festival included several special events, including:

Awards: The festival presented several awards, including:

Partnerships: The festival partnered with several organizations, including the African Union, the New Zealand Film Commission, and the Auckland Council, to promote African cinema and culture in New Zealand.

Overall, the 2020 African Film Festival New Zealand was a successful event that showcased the diversity and richness of African cinema, and provided a platform for African filmmakers to share their stories with New Zealand audiences.