Africa trade news today

Here are some recent trade news stories from Africa:

1. African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) takes effect

The AfCFTA, which aims to create a single market for goods and services across Africa, has officially come into effect. The agreement, signed by 54 African countries, is expected to boost intra-African trade and economic integration. (Source: African Union)

2. South Africa and EU agree on trade deal

South Africa and the European Union have reached a trade agreement, which will eliminate tariffs on most goods traded between the two parties. The deal is expected to increase trade between the two regions and create jobs. (Source: South African Government)

3. Nigeria and China sign trade agreements

Nigeria and China have signed several trade agreements, including a deal to increase trade in goods and services. The agreements are expected to boost Nigeria's economy and create jobs. (Source: Nigerian Government)

4. Kenya and US sign trade agreement

Kenya and the United States have signed a trade agreement, which will eliminate tariffs on most goods traded between the two countries. The deal is expected to increase trade between the two countries and create jobs. (Source: Kenyan Government)

5. African countries to benefit from US-Africa trade deal

The United States and several African countries have signed a trade agreement, which will eliminate tariffs on most goods traded between the two regions. The deal is expected to boost trade and economic growth in Africa. (Source: US Department of Commerce)

6. Egypt and Turkey sign trade agreement

Egypt and Turkey have signed a trade agreement, which will increase trade in goods and services between the two countries. The deal is expected to boost Egypt's economy and create jobs. (Source: Egyptian Government)

7. African countries to benefit from China's Belt and Road Initiative

Several African countries have signed agreements with China to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive infrastructure development project. The BRI is expected to boost trade and economic growth in Africa. (Source: Chinese Government)

8. South Africa and India sign trade agreement

South Africa and India have signed a trade agreement, which will increase trade in goods and services between the two countries. The deal is expected to boost South Africa's economy and create jobs. (Source: South African Government)

9. African countries to benefit from EU's economic partnership agreements

Several African countries have signed economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with the European Union, which will increase trade and economic cooperation between the two regions. (Source: European Union)

10. Nigeria and Morocco sign trade agreement

Nigeria and Morocco have signed a trade agreement, which will increase trade in goods and services between the two countries. The deal is expected to boost Nigeria's economy and create jobs. (Source: Nigerian Government)

These are just a few examples of recent trade news from Africa.