Africa photo festival new york

You're interested in the Africa Photo Festival in New York!

The Africa Photo Festival is an annual event that celebrates African photography and visual storytelling. Here's what you need to know:

About the Festival: The Africa Photo Festival is a non-profit organization that aims to promote African photography, provide a platform for African photographers, and showcase the diversity and richness of African cultures through visual storytelling.

Location: The festival takes place in New York City, with events and exhibitions held at various locations throughout the city.

Program: The festival features a range of activities, including:

  1. Exhibitions: Group and solo exhibitions showcasing the work of African photographers, both established and emerging.
  2. Workshops and Masterclasses: Hands-on workshops and masterclasses led by renowned African photographers and industry experts.
  3. Panel Discussions: Thought-provoking discussions on topics such as photography, culture, and social justice.
  4. Portfolio Reviews: One-on-one reviews with industry professionals and curators to help photographers develop their portfolios.
  5. Awards and Competitions: Competitions and awards recognizing outstanding African photography and visual storytelling.

Past Editions: The festival has been held annually since 2017, with previous editions featuring exhibitions, workshops, and panel discussions with notable African photographers such as:

Upcoming Edition: The next edition of the Africa Photo Festival is scheduled to take place in October 2023. Keep an eye on their website for updates on the program, exhibitions, and ticket sales.

How to Get Involved: If you're interested in attending the festival, you can:

  1. Subscribe to their newsletter: Stay updated on the latest news, announcements, and behind-the-scenes insights.
  2. Follow them on social media: Connect with the festival on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay informed about upcoming events and exhibitions.
  3. Apply for workshops and portfolio reviews: If you're a photographer, consider applying for workshops and portfolio reviews to develop your skills and network with industry professionals.

I hope this information helps you plan your visit to the Africa Photo Festival in New York!