Africa news with the world

Here are some recent news stories from Africa that have gained international attention:


  1. Sudan's Transition to Democracy: After months of protests, Sudan's military council and opposition groups signed a power-sharing deal, paving the way for a transition to democracy. (BBC News)
  2. Ethiopia's Prime Minister Resigns: Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Prime Minister of Ethiopia, resigned, citing a lack of support from his party. (Al Jazeera)
  3. South Africa's President Faces Impeachment: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa faces impeachment proceedings over allegations of corruption and abuse of power. (The Guardian)


  1. Nigeria's Economy Grows: Nigeria's economy grew by 2.3% in the first quarter of 2022, driven by a rebound in the oil sector. (Reuters)
  2. Egypt's Economy Booms: Egypt's economy grew by 5.6% in 2021, driven by a surge in tourism and a recovery in the construction sector. (The National)
  3. Kenya's Economy Slows: Kenya's economy grew by 4.7% in 2021, slower than expected, due to a decline in agricultural production and a slowdown in the manufacturing sector. (The East African)


  1. COVID-19 Outbreak in Africa: Africa has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases, with many countries experiencing a third wave of infections. (WHO)
  2. Ebola Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo: The Democratic Republic of Congo has reported a new outbreak of Ebola, with 11 confirmed cases and 6 deaths. (AP News)
  3. Malaria Outbreak in Mozambique: Mozambique has reported a surge in malaria cases, with over 1,000 cases reported in the past month. (The Guardian)


  1. Climate Change in Africa: Africa is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns affecting agriculture, water supplies, and human health. (The New York Times)
  2. Wildfires in South Africa: South Africa has seen a series of devastating wildfires, with over 100,000 hectares of land burned and thousands of people displaced. (BBC News)
  3. Desertification in Africa: Africa is experiencing rapid desertification, with over 30% of the continent's land area affected. (The Guardian)


  1. Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray Region: The conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region has displaced over 1 million people and caused widespread humanitarian suffering. (Al Jazeera)
  2. Insurgency in Mozambique: Mozambique is facing an insurgency in its northern province, with over 1,000 people killed and thousands displaced. (The Guardian)
  3. Conflict in South Sudan: South Sudan has seen a surge in violence, with over 100,000 people displaced and thousands killed in the past year. (AP News)

These are just a few examples of the many news stories coming out of Africa.