Africa must wake up and prepare for worst over virus who

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding. Africa is already taking steps to prepare for the worst-case scenario with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many African countries have implemented various measures to mitigate the spread of the virus, including:

  1. Lockdowns and travel restrictions: Several countries have imposed lockdowns, curfews, and travel restrictions to slow the spread of the virus.
  2. Testing and contact tracing: Many countries have increased testing and contact tracing to identify and isolate cases quickly.
  3. Public health campaigns: Governments and health organizations have launched public health campaigns to educate people about the virus, its symptoms, and how to prevent transmission.
  4. Healthcare system preparedness: Hospitals and healthcare facilities have been prepared to handle an influx of patients, with many countries increasing their capacity for intensive care units and oxygen supply.
  5. Economic support: Governments have implemented economic support measures, such as stimulus packages and relief funds, to help mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic.

Some notable examples of African countries taking proactive measures include:

It's important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic is a global issue, and Africa is not immune to its effects. However, many African countries are taking proactive steps to prepare for the worst-case scenario and mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

If you're referring to a specific quote or statement, could you please provide more context or clarify who made the statement? I'd be happy to help you understand the context better.