Africa is famous for nollywood says foreigner #

I think there may be a bit of confusion here!

While Nollywood is indeed a popular film industry in Africa, it's not necessarily "famous" globally for being from Africa. Nollywood is a Nigerian film industry, and while it has gained popularity in Africa and among the African diaspora, it's not as widely recognized or celebrated globally as, for example, Hollywood or Bollywood.

Nollywood is known for producing low-budget, high-volume films, often with a focus on drama, romance, and comedy. While it has a significant following in Africa and among African communities worldwide, it's not as well-known or widely recognized outside of these circles.

That being said, there are many other African film industries and filmmakers who have gained international recognition and acclaim, such as:

These filmmakers and industries have gained recognition at international film festivals and have contributed to the growing global recognition of African cinema.