Africa asia a new axis of knowledge second edition

"Africa, Asia, and the New Axis of Knowledge: Second Edition" is a book written by Dr. Pius Adesanmi, a Nigerian scholar and academic. The book explores the intersection of African and Asian cultures, histories, and knowledge systems, and argues that the traditional North-South axis of knowledge production is being replaced by a new axis that is centered in Africa and Asia.

The book is divided into three main sections. The first section provides an overview of the traditional North-South axis of knowledge production, and argues that this axis has been shaped by colonialism, imperialism, and Western dominance. The second section explores the rise of Africa and Asia as centers of knowledge production, and highlights the contributions of scholars and thinkers from these regions to global knowledge systems. The third section examines the implications of this shift for global knowledge production, and argues that it has the potential to challenge and transform traditional power structures and epistemologies.

Some of the key arguments made in the book include:

  1. The traditional North-South axis of knowledge production is being replaced by a new axis that is centered in Africa and Asia.
  2. Africa and Asia are not just passive recipients of Western knowledge, but are actively producing and disseminating knowledge that is shaping global knowledge systems.
  3. The rise of Africa and Asia as centers of knowledge production is driven by a combination of factors, including economic growth, urbanization, and the increasing importance of non-Western languages and cultures.
  4. The shift towards a new axis of knowledge production has the potential to challenge and transform traditional power structures and epistemologies.
  5. The book argues that the traditional North-South axis of knowledge production has been shaped by colonialism, imperialism, and Western dominance, and that this has had a profound impact on the way knowledge is produced and disseminated.

Overall, "Africa, Asia, and the New Axis of Knowledge: Second Edition" is a thought-provoking and timely book that challenges readers to think critically about the nature of knowledge production and the role of Africa and Asia in shaping global knowledge systems.