Africa agric news

Here are some recent news articles and updates on agriculture in Africa:

1. African Union's Agenda 2063: Boosting Agriculture

The African Union has launched its Agenda 2063, a comprehensive plan to transform the continent's agriculture sector. The plan aims to increase agricultural productivity, improve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture practices. (Source: African Union)

2. Kenya's Digital Agriculture Platform

Kenya has launched a digital agriculture platform to connect farmers with buyers and provide them with market information. The platform, called "E-voucher," aims to increase farmers' income and reduce post-harvest losses. (Source: The East African)

3. Nigeria's Cassava Production

Nigeria, the world's largest producer of cassava, is set to increase its production by 20% in 2023. The country's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development has announced plans to invest in cassava processing and export. (Source: Premium Times)

4. South Africa's Drought Relief

South Africa has launched a drought relief program to support farmers affected by the ongoing drought. The program includes subsidies for irrigation equipment and livestock feed. (Source: South African Government)

5. Ghana's Cocoa Production

Ghana, the world's second-largest producer of cocoa, has launched a program to improve cocoa production and reduce child labor. The program includes training for farmers and the establishment of a cocoa certification scheme. (Source: Ghana News Agency)

6. African Farmers' Access to Finance

A new report by the African Development Bank has highlighted the challenges faced by African farmers in accessing finance. The report recommends increasing access to credit and insurance for smallholder farmers. (Source: African Development Bank)

7. Ethiopia's Agricultural Growth

Ethiopia has achieved significant agricultural growth in recent years, with the sector contributing 34% to the country's GDP. The government has announced plans to increase agricultural production and reduce poverty. (Source: Ethiopian Government)

8. Tanzania's Agricultural Development

Tanzania has launched a program to improve agricultural development in the country. The program includes the establishment of agricultural zones and the provision of training for farmers. (Source: Tanzania Daily News)

9. African Union's African Agricultural Transformation Program

The African Union has launched its African Agricultural Transformation Program, a comprehensive plan to transform the continent's agriculture sector. The program aims to increase agricultural productivity, improve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture practices. (Source: African Union)

10. Kenya's Agricultural Insurance

Kenya has launched an agricultural insurance program to protect farmers against crop losses and livestock diseases. The program is expected to increase farmers' confidence and reduce poverty. (Source: The East African)

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and updates on agriculture in Africa. I hope you find them informative and helpful!