Africa 2020 doing business rankings

The Doing Business 2020 report by the World Bank Group ranks 190 economies based on the ease of doing business, with Africa having 54 economies. Here are the top 10 African countries in the Doing Business 2020 rankings:

  1. Rwanda: Ranked 38th globally, Rwanda is the top-performing African country in the Doing Business 2020 report. It has improved its ranking by 19 places since 2017, thanks to reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and paying taxes.
  2. Mauritius: Ranked 38th globally, Mauritius is another top-performing African country. It has improved its ranking by 12 places since 2017, driven by reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and trading across borders.
  3. Botswana: Ranked 71st globally, Botswana has improved its ranking by 10 places since 2017, thanks to reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and paying taxes.
  4. South Africa: Ranked 84th globally, South Africa has improved its ranking by 5 places since 2017, driven by reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and trading across borders.
  5. Ghana: Ranked 114th globally, Ghana has improved its ranking by 4 places since 2017, thanks to reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and paying taxes.
  6. Kenya: Ranked 128th globally, Kenya has improved its ranking by 3 places since 2017, driven by reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and trading across borders.
  7. Tanzania: Ranked 137th globally, Tanzania has improved its ranking by 2 places since 2017, thanks to reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and paying taxes.
  8. Namibia: Ranked 141st globally, Namibia has improved its ranking by 2 places since 2017, driven by reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and trading across borders.
  9. Lesotho: Ranked 144th globally, Lesotho has improved its ranking by 1 place since 2017, thanks to reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and paying taxes.
  10. Uganda: Ranked 147th globally, Uganda has improved its ranking by 1 place since 2017, driven by reforms in areas such as starting a business, getting credit, and trading across borders.

The report highlights the following key areas for improvement in Africa:

  1. Starting a business: Many African countries have complex and time-consuming procedures for starting a business, which can deter entrepreneurs and investors.
  2. Getting credit: Access to credit is limited in many African countries, making it difficult for businesses to access financing.
  3. Trading across borders: Complex customs procedures and high tariffs can make it difficult for businesses to trade across borders in Africa.
  4. Paying taxes: Many African countries have complex and time-consuming tax systems, which can lead to corruption and inefficiencies.

Overall, while there are challenges to doing business in Africa, the region has made significant progress in recent years, and many countries are working to improve their business environments.