Afp news bias

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) is a French news agency that provides news coverage to clients around the world. Like any news organization, AFP has been accused of having a bias in its reporting. Here are some examples:

Left-leaning bias:

  1. Pro-Palestinian coverage: AFP has been criticized for its perceived bias in favor of the Palestinian cause, often using language that is sympathetic to Palestinian claims and criticisms of Israel.
  2. Anti-American sentiment: Some critics have accused AFP of having an anti-American bias, particularly during the presidency of Donald Trump.
  3. Environmental activism: AFP has been accused of promoting environmental activism and using language that is critical of fossil fuel industries.

Right-leaning bias:

  1. Pro-Israel coverage: Some critics have accused AFP of having a pro-Israel bias, often using language that is critical of Palestinian actions and sympathetic to Israeli concerns.
  2. Anti-leftist sentiment: Some have accused AFP of having an anti-leftist bias, particularly in its coverage of labor unions and socialist movements.

Other biases:

  1. Eurocentrism: AFP has been accused of having a Eurocentric bias, often focusing on European news and issues while giving less attention to news from other regions.
  2. Lack of diversity: Some critics have accused AFP of lacking diversity in its reporting, particularly in terms of representation of women, minorities, and marginalized communities.


To assess the bias of AFP, researchers have used various methods, including:

  1. Content analysis: Analyzing the language and tone used in AFP articles to identify potential biases.
  2. Quantitative analysis: Analyzing the frequency and distribution of certain words, phrases, and themes in AFP articles.
  3. Expert evaluation: Asking experts and journalists to evaluate the bias of AFP articles.

Studies and findings:

  1. A 2019 study by the University of California, Berkeley, found that AFP's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was biased in favor of the Palestinians.
  2. A 2020 study by the Media Research Center found that AFP's coverage of the 2020 US presidential election was biased against President Trump.
  3. A 2018 study by the University of Oxford found that AFP's coverage of climate change was biased in favor of environmental activism.

It's important to note that these studies and findings are not universally accepted, and some critics have disputed the methodology and conclusions of these studies. Additionally, AFP has denied any bias in its reporting and has emphasized its commitment to objective and balanced journalism.