Afit news

Here are some recent news articles from the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT):

Recent News

  1. AFIT Researchers Develop Advanced Materials for Next-Gen Aircraft: A team of researchers at AFIT's Materials and Manufacturing Directorate has developed a new class of advanced materials that could revolutionize the design of next-generation aircraft. (Source: AFIT News)
  2. AFIT Partners with Industry to Develop Autonomous Systems: AFIT has partnered with industry leaders to develop autonomous systems for military and civilian applications. The partnership aims to accelerate the development of autonomous technologies and improve their integration into military systems. (Source: Defense News)
  3. AFIT Professor Wins Award for Research on Cybersecurity: Dr. [Name], a professor at AFIT's School of Systems and Logistics, has won the 2022 AFIT Research Award for his work on cybersecurity. Dr. [Name]'s research focuses on developing new methods for detecting and preventing cyber attacks. (Source: AFIT News)
  4. AFIT Hosts International Conference on Aerospace Engineering: AFIT recently hosted an international conference on aerospace engineering, bringing together experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in the field. The conference featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and technical presentations. (Source: Aerospace Engineering Magazine)
  5. AFIT Students Win Competition for Innovative Solutions: A team of students from AFIT's School of Systems and Logistics won a competition for innovative solutions to real-world problems. The team developed a system for predicting and preventing aircraft maintenance issues. (Source: AFIT News)

Upcoming Events

  1. AFIT's 2023 Research Symposium: AFIT will host its annual Research Symposium in March 2023, featuring presentations by AFIT researchers and industry partners on the latest advancements in aerospace engineering and technology. (Source: AFIT News)
  2. AFIT's 2023 Industry Day: AFIT will host its annual Industry Day in April 2023, bringing together industry leaders and AFIT researchers to discuss collaboration opportunities and showcase the latest advancements in aerospace technology. (Source: AFIT News)