Afghanistan conflict us begins withdrawing troops

You're referring to the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan!

Yes, in July 2021, the United States began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan, marking the end of its longest war. The withdrawal was part of a deal negotiated by the Trump administration with the Taliban in February 2020, which aimed to bring an end to the 20-year conflict.

Here's a brief summary of the situation:

Background: The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to dismantle al-Qaeda and its Taliban allies. The war has been marked by insurgency, terrorism, and human rights abuses.

Withdrawal agreement: In February 2020, the US and the Taliban signed a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, which outlined a plan for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in exchange for the Taliban's commitment to prevent terrorist groups from using Afghan soil.

Withdrawal process: The US began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan in July 2021, with the goal of completing the withdrawal by September 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The withdrawal was carried out in phases, with the US military reducing its presence in the country while maintaining a small footprint to support diplomatic efforts.

Challenges and concerns: The withdrawal has been met with concerns about the potential for a resurgence of terrorist groups, the impact on regional stability, and the fate of Afghan civilians who had worked with the US military. There are also concerns about the Taliban's human rights record and their treatment of women, minorities, and other vulnerable groups.

Current situation: As of August 2021, the US has withdrawn around 90% of its troops from Afghanistan, with a small number remaining to support diplomatic efforts. The Taliban has made significant gains on the ground, and the Afghan government has struggled to maintain control. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, and there are concerns about the potential for a humanitarian crisis.

Overall, the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan marks a significant shift in the country's conflict dynamics, and its implications will likely be felt for years to come.