Afghan conflict us conducts first air strike on taliban since deal

The United States has conducted its first air strike on the Taliban since the signing of the Doha Agreement in February 2020, which aimed to bring an end to the 18-year conflict in Afghanistan.

According to reports, the air strike was carried out on Monday, August 10, 2020, in the province of Helmand, which has been a hotbed of Taliban activity. The strike targeted a Taliban compound in the district of Musa Qala, where the militant group was believed to be hiding and planning attacks.

The US military confirmed the strike, saying that it was conducted in response to a request from the Afghan government and was aimed at disrupting the Taliban's ability to plan and conduct attacks.

The strike comes at a time of heightened tensions between the US and the Taliban, who have been accused of not doing enough to reduce violence and attacks in Afghanistan. The Taliban has been accused of carrying out numerous attacks on Afghan security forces and civilians, despite the group's claims that it has reduced its violence.

The US has been conducting airstrikes in Afghanistan since 2001, when it invaded the country in response to the 9/11 attacks. The airstrikes have been a key component of the US military's strategy in the country, aimed at targeting Taliban and other militant groups.

However, the US has been scaling back its military presence in Afghanistan in recent years, with the goal of withdrawing its troops by the end of 2020. The Doha Agreement, which was signed in February 2020, aimed to bring an end to the conflict by reducing violence and allowing for the withdrawal of US troops.

Despite the agreement, violence has continued to escalate in Afghanistan, with both the Taliban and government forces accused of carrying out attacks. The US has been critical of the Taliban's failure to reduce violence and has threatened to take action if the group does not comply with the agreement.

The latest air strike is likely to be seen as a sign that the US is willing to take action to protect its interests in Afghanistan, even if it means violating the terms of the Doha Agreement. However, it is unclear what the long-term implications of the strike will be, and whether it will lead to a further escalation of violence in the country.