Afghan conflict us and taliban sign deal to end 18 year war

I think there may be some misinformation here.

While the United States and the Taliban have been engaged in peace talks, there has not been a formal agreement to end the 18-year war in Afghanistan. However, on February 29, 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a conditional agreement, known as the Doha Agreement, aimed at reducing violence and paving the way for a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

The agreement, which was brokered by the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, sets out a framework for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in exchange for the Taliban's commitment to prevent terrorist groups, such as al-Qaeda, from operating in the country. The deal also establishes a timeline for the withdrawal of US forces, with the goal of completing the process within 14 months.

However, the agreement is conditional on the Taliban's commitment to reduce violence and prevent attacks on US and coalition forces. The Taliban has also agreed to engage in intra-Afghan talks with the Afghan government and other stakeholders to negotiate a comprehensive peace agreement.

While the Doha Agreement is a significant step towards ending the conflict, it is not a final peace agreement. The agreement has been criticized by some for not addressing the root causes of the conflict, including the Taliban's refusal to recognize the Afghan government and the ongoing human rights abuses committed by the Taliban.

The Afghan government has also expressed concerns about the agreement, citing the Taliban's failure to commit to a ceasefire and the lack of guarantees for women's rights and minority rights.

In summary, while the US and the Taliban have signed a conditional agreement aimed at reducing violence and paving the way for a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the conflict is not yet over, and significant challenges remain before a comprehensive peace agreement can be achieved.