Afghan conflict clashes shatter partial truce after us deal

It appears that you're referring to a recent news article about the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Here's a summary of the situation:

Partial Truce Shattered in Afghanistan after US Deal

A fragile partial truce between the Taliban and the Afghan government has been shattered, just days after the United States and the Taliban signed a deal aimed at ending the 18-year conflict. The truce, which was meant to pave the way for peace talks, was broken when Taliban fighters launched a series of attacks on Afghan security forces, causing widespread casualties.


The US-Taliban deal, signed on February 29, aimed to reduce violence in Afghanistan and pave the way for peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government. The deal required the Taliban to reduce attacks on US and coalition forces, while the US would withdraw its troops from the country.

Violence Escalates

However, just days after the deal was signed, Taliban fighters launched a series of attacks on Afghan security forces, including a suicide bombing that killed at least 12 people in the capital city of Kabul. The attacks have caused widespread casualties and have raised concerns about the prospects for peace in the country.


The breakdown of the partial truce has significant consequences for the peace process. The Afghan government has accused the Taliban of violating the deal, while the Taliban has claimed that the attacks were a response to government forces' failure to honor their commitments.

International Reaction

The international community has condemned the violence, with the United Nations calling for an immediate end to the attacks. The US has also expressed its disappointment and frustration with the Taliban's actions, while NATO has suspended its training mission in Afghanistan.

Future Prospects

The breakdown of the partial truce raises questions about the future prospects for peace in Afghanistan. The US has made it clear that it will not withdraw its troops from the country unless the Taliban honors its commitments, while the Taliban has vowed to continue its fight against the government.

Overall, the situation in Afghanistan remains volatile and uncertain, with no clear end in sight to the conflict.