Afdb presidency why adesina deserves 2nd tenure

Akinwumi Adesina, the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), has been a highly effective and successful leader of the institution since his appointment in 2015. Here are some reasons why he deserves a second tenure:

  1. Transformative Leadership: Adesina has brought about significant changes to the AfDB, transforming it into a more effective and efficient institution. He has implemented various reforms, including the creation of new departments and units, to enhance the bank's ability to deliver on its mandate.
  2. Strong Vision: Adesina has a clear and compelling vision for the AfDB, which is focused on accelerating Africa's economic development and improving the lives of its people. His vision is centered around the bank's High 5 priorities: Light up and Power Africa, Feed Africa, Industrialize Africa, Integrate Africa, and Improve the Quality of Life for the People of Africa.
  3. Results-Oriented: Adesina has delivered impressive results during his first term, with the AfDB achieving significant milestones, including:
    • Approving over $20 billion in loans and grants to support African development projects.
    • Increasing the bank's capital base by 50%.
    • Improving the bank's credit rating to AA- from BBB+.
    • Enhancing the bank's governance and transparency.
  4. Strong Partnerships: Adesina has built strong partnerships with African governments, international organizations, and the private sector, which has enabled the AfDB to leverage resources and expertise to support African development.
  5. Innovative Approach: Adesina has been at the forefront of promoting innovative solutions to Africa's development challenges, including the use of technology, green finance, and private sector engagement.
  6. Strong Communication Skills: Adesina is an effective communicator, able to articulate the AfDB's vision and priorities to various stakeholders, including African leaders, international organizations, and the media.
  7. Integrity and Transparency: Adesina has been committed to promoting transparency and integrity within the AfDB, implementing measures to prevent corruption and ensure accountability.
  8. Regional Representation: Adesina's appointment as AfDB President has been seen as a positive development for West Africa, as it has brought attention to the region's development challenges and opportunities.
  9. Global Recognition: Adesina has received numerous international awards and recognition for his leadership and contributions to African development, including the African Person of the Year award by the African Leadership Magazine.
  10. Continuity and Stability: A second term for Adesina would provide continuity and stability for the AfDB, allowing him to build on the progress made during his first term and implement his vision for the bank's future.

Overall, Adesina's leadership has been instrumental in transforming the AfDB into a more effective and impactful institution, and his reappointment would be a testament to his commitment to African development and his ability to deliver results.