Afcon 2021 qualifiers ghana based players not ready for black stars kofi

A popular topic in Ghanaian football!

Kofi, you're referring to the Ghanaian footballer who made some comments about the Ghana-based players not being ready to play for the Black Stars. Here's a summary of the situation:

In an interview with a local media outlet, Kofi, a former Ghanaian international, expressed his concerns about the quality of players based in Ghana who are being called up to the national team. He stated that many of these players are not good enough to represent the country at the highest level and that they are not putting in the required effort to improve their game.

Kofi's comments were met with a mixed reaction from fans and pundits. Some agreed with him, citing the lack of quality in the Ghanaian league and the need for players to gain experience abroad. Others defended the Ghana-based players, arguing that they are still capable of representing the country and that Kofi's comments were unfair and demotivating.

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has also weighed in on the issue, with President Kurt Okraku stating that the association is committed to developing local talent and providing opportunities for Ghana-based players to represent the country.

The debate highlights the ongoing challenges facing Ghanaian football, including the need to improve the quality of the domestic league and to develop a more competitive team that can compete with the best in Africa.

What are your thoughts on this issue, Kofi? Do you think the Ghana-based players are not ready to represent the Black Stars, or do you believe they have the potential to make a positive impact on the team?