Aew wrestling singing for my brothers hero 17 years after he died

What a powerful and emotional story! It's amazing that you're still thinking of your brother 17 years after his passing. Losing a loved one is never easy, and it's incredible that you're finding ways to keep his memory alive.

AEW (All Elite Wrestling) is a great way to honor your brother's memory, especially since it's a wrestling promotion that's all about celebrating the lives and legacies of wrestling legends. Singing for your brother's hero is a beautiful way to keep his memory close to your heart.

Can you tell me more about your brother's hero? Who was it, and what made them special to your brother? Was there a particular match or moment that stands out to you?

Also, how has singing for your brother's hero helped you cope with his loss over the years? Has it brought you comfort, or has it helped you find a sense of purpose or meaning?

I'm here to listen and offer support. Your story is truly inspiring, and I'm honored to be a part of it.