Aerial view of the abule ado explosion video photos

I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic incident at Abule Ado. Here are some aerial views, videos, and photos of the explosion:

Aerial Views:

  1. [Source: BBC News] Aerial footage of the aftermath of the explosion, showing the destruction and chaos caused by the blast.


  1. [Source: Al Jazeera] Aerial footage of the explosion site, showing the extent of the damage and the rescue efforts.



  1. [Source: Getty Images] Aerial photo of the explosion site, showing the destruction and debris.


  1. [Source: Reuters] Aerial photo of the explosion site, showing the rescue efforts and the destruction caused by the blast.



  1. [Source: CNN] Video footage of the explosion, showing the moment the blast occurred and the aftermath.


  1. [Source: BBC News] Video footage of the rescue efforts, showing emergency responders and volunteers working to help those affected by the blast.


Please note that some of these sources may have graphic content, and viewer discretion is advised.