Advertising marketing and relations managers jobs in new brunswick

Here are some job listings for Advertising, Marketing, and Relations Managers in New Brunswick, Canada:

Advertising Managers:

  1. Advertising Manager at Irving Oil (Saint John, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing advertising campaigns to promote Irving Oil's products and services.
  2. Advertising Manager at Maritime Broadcasting System (Moncton, NB) - oversees the development and implementation of advertising campaigns for various clients across the Maritimes.
  3. Digital Advertising Manager at Mediacorp (Fredericton, NB) - manages digital advertising campaigns for clients across various industries.

Marketing Managers:

  1. Marketing Manager at Atlantic Lottery Corporation (Moncton, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote Atlantic Lottery's products and services.
  2. Marketing Manager at Sobeys (Moncton, NB) - oversees the development and implementation of marketing campaigns to promote Sobeys' products and services in New Brunswick.
  3. Digital Marketing Manager at Mediacorp (Fredericton, NB) - manages digital marketing campaigns for clients across various industries.

Public Relations Managers:

  1. Public Relations Manager at Government of New Brunswick (Fredericton, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing public relations strategies to promote the government's initiatives and programs.
  2. Public Relations Manager at Horizon Health Network (Moncton, NB) - oversees the development and implementation of public relations campaigns to promote Horizon Health Network's services and initiatives.
  3. Communications Manager at New Brunswick Tourism (Fredericton, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing communications strategies to promote New Brunswick as a tourist destination.

Other related jobs:

  1. Brand Manager at Moosehead Breweries (Saint John, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing brand strategies to promote Moosehead Breweries' products.
  2. Content Marketing Specialist at Mediacorp (Fredericton, NB) - creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
  3. Social Media Manager at Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (Fredericton, NB) - responsible for developing and implementing social media strategies to promote the agency's initiatives and programs.

These job listings are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. I recommend checking job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor for the most current job listings. Additionally, you can also search for job openings on company websites or through recruitment agencies specializing in marketing and advertising jobs.