Advanced new file sublime

Here are some advanced features and tips for working with new files in Sublime Text:

1. Syntax Highlighting: Sublime Text has built-in syntax highlighting for many programming languages. To enable syntax highlighting for a new file, follow these steps:

2. Auto-Completion: Sublime Text has an auto-completion feature that can help you write code faster. To enable auto-completion, follow these steps:

3. Code Folding: Code folding allows you to collapse sections of code to make it easier to navigate. To enable code folding, follow these steps:

4. Emmet: Emmet is a plugin that allows you to write HTML and CSS code more efficiently. To enable Emmet, follow these steps:

5. Goto Anything: Sublime Text has a feature called "Goto Anything" that allows you to quickly jump to a specific line or symbol in your code. To use Goto Anything, follow these steps:

6. Project Management: Sublime Text has a built-in project management system that allows you to manage multiple files and folders. To create a new project, follow these steps:

7. Build Systems: Sublime Text has a built-in build system that allows you to compile and run your code. To create a new build system, follow these steps:

8. Debugging: Sublime Text has a built-in debugger that allows you to debug your code. To use the debugger, follow these steps:

These are just a few advanced features and tips for working with new files in Sublime Text. With practice and experimentation, you can unlock even more features and improve your productivity.