Adoption of new media technology for information seeking among librarians

The adoption of new media technology for information seeking among librarians is a crucial aspect of their professional development and the evolution of libraries. Here are some key findings and insights:

Factors influencing adoption:

  1. Perceived usefulness: Librarians who perceive new media technologies as useful for their work are more likely to adopt them.
  2. Ease of use: Librarians who find new media technologies easy to use are more likely to adopt them.
  3. Social influence: Librarians who are influenced by their peers and colleagues are more likely to adopt new media technologies.
  4. Organizational support: Librarians who receive support from their organization are more likely to adopt new media technologies.
  5. Personal characteristics: Librarians who are open to change, have a positive attitude towards technology, and are willing to take risks are more likely to adopt new media technologies.

New media technologies used by librarians:

  1. Social media: Librarians use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with users, promote library services, and share information.
  2. Mobile devices: Librarians use mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to access information, communicate with users, and provide library services on-the-go.
  3. Online databases and e-resources: Librarians use online databases and e-resources to access information, provide research assistance, and support teaching and learning.
  4. Collaborative tools: Librarians use collaborative tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack to work with colleagues, share information, and provide library services.
  5. Virtual reality and augmented reality: Librarians are starting to use virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to create immersive experiences, provide interactive learning opportunities, and enhance library services.

Benefits of new media technology adoption:

  1. Improved information access: New media technologies provide librarians with faster and more convenient access to information, enabling them to provide better research assistance and support.
  2. Enhanced user experience: New media technologies enable librarians to provide personalized and interactive experiences for users, improving their overall satisfaction and engagement with library services.
  3. Increased efficiency: New media technologies automate many tasks, freeing up librarians to focus on higher-level tasks and providing more efficient use of their time.
  4. Cost savings: New media technologies can reduce costs associated with traditional library services, such as printing and shipping materials.
  5. Professional development: New media technologies provide librarians with opportunities for professional development, enabling them to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the field.

Challenges and limitations:

  1. Technical issues: Librarians may encounter technical issues when using new media technologies, such as connectivity problems or software compatibility issues.
  2. Lack of training: Librarians may not receive adequate training or support to effectively use new media technologies.
  3. Resistance to change: Some librarians may resist adopting new media technologies due to concerns about job security, changes to their workflow, or the need to learn new skills.
  4. Funding constraints: Librarians may face funding constraints that limit their ability to adopt new media technologies or provide adequate support for their use.
  5. Information overload: Librarians may experience information overload when using new media technologies, making it difficult to filter out irrelevant information and focus on the most important tasks.


The adoption of new media technology for information seeking among librarians is a complex and multifaceted process. Librarians who are open to change, have a positive attitude towards technology, and receive adequate support and training are more likely to adopt new media technologies. While there are challenges and limitations to adopting new media technologies, the benefits of improved information access, enhanced user experience, increased efficiency, cost savings, and professional development make it an important aspect of librarianship.