Adonai university 2018 2019 new application

Adonai University is a private university located in Nigeria. Here is the information you requested:

Adonai University 2018/2019 New Application

Application Form

The Adonai University 2018/2019 new application form is now available for sale. The form can be obtained from the university's website or at the university's admission office.


To be eligible for admission into Adonai University, you must meet the following requirements:

Application Procedure

To apply for admission into Adonai University, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase the application form from the university's website or at the university's admission office
  2. Fill the application form accurately and completely
  3. Attach the required documents, including:
    • JAMB result slip
    • O'Level result slip
    • Birth certificate
    • Passport photograph
  4. Submit the completed application form and attached documents to the university's admission office

Application Deadline

The application deadline for Adonai University 2018/2019 is [insert date]. Late applications will not be accepted.

Contact Information

For more information or to obtain the application form, contact:

Adonai University [insert address] [insert phone number] [insert email]

Important Notes

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.