Adnan oktar latest news

Adnan Oktar, also known as Harun Yahya, is a Turkish author, creationist, and Islamic scholar. He is known for his controversial views on science, evolution, and Islam. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Adnan Oktar:

Recent Controversies:

  1. Prison Sentence: In 2018, Oktar was sentenced to 8,658 years in prison for allegedly running a sex cult and sexually exploiting dozens of women. He has denied the allegations.
  2. Book Ban: In 2020, Turkey's Ministry of Education banned Oktar's book "The Atlas of Creation" from schools, citing its "scientific inaccuracies" and "propaganda" against evolution.
  3. Financial Scandal: In 2020, it was reported that Oktar's organization, the Science Research Foundation (Bilim Araştırma Vakfı), had received millions of dollars in funding from the Turkish government, despite being accused of financial irregularities.

Recent Statements and Views:

  1. COVID-19: Oktar has been critical of the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that it is a "hoax" and that the virus does not exist. He has also claimed that the pandemic is a plot to control people's behavior.
  2. Evolution: Oktar continues to deny the theory of evolution, claiming that it is a "myth" and that the universe was created in its current form by God.
  3. Israel: Oktar has been critical of Israel, claiming that it is a "terrorist state" and that its actions are a threat to world peace.

Recent Interviews and Appearances:

  1. RT: In 2020, Oktar gave an interview to the Russian state-funded news network RT, where he discussed his views on the COVID-19 pandemic and the theory of evolution.
  2. Press TV: In 2020, Oktar gave an interview to the Iranian state-funded news network Press TV, where he discussed his views on the Middle East and the role of Turkey in regional politics.

Recent Books and Publications:

  1. "The Atlas of Creation" (2020): Oktar published a new edition of his book "The Atlas of Creation", which claims to provide evidence for the existence of God and the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
  2. "The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution" (2020): Oktar published a new book titled "The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution", which claims to provide evidence for the flaws in the theory of evolution.

Please note that Adnan Oktar's views and statements are often controversial and have been widely criticized by scientists, scholars, and experts in various fields.