Admob new policies

AdMob, a popular mobile advertising platform, has introduced several new policies to improve the user experience and ensure a fair and transparent advertising environment. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. New Ad Format Guidelines: AdMob has introduced new guidelines for ad formats, including:
    • Interstitial ads: AdMob now requires interstitial ads to be displayed in a way that doesn't interrupt the user's experience.
    • Rewarded video ads: AdMob has introduced new guidelines for rewarded video ads, including requirements for clear labeling and user consent.
  2. Increased Transparency: AdMob is now requiring publishers to provide more transparency around their ad inventory, including:
    • Ad placement: Publishers must clearly indicate where ads are being displayed on their app or website.
    • Ad frequency: Publishers must ensure that ads are not displayed too frequently, which can negatively impact the user experience.
  3. New Ad Placement Requirements: AdMob has introduced new requirements for ad placement, including:
    • Ad placement on app launch: AdMob now requires ads to be displayed on app launch, rather than immediately after launch.
    • Ad placement on app exit: AdMob requires ads to be displayed on app exit, rather than immediately before exit.
  4. Improved Ad Targeting: AdMob is introducing new ad targeting options, including:
    • Interest-based targeting: AdMob will allow publishers to target ads based on user interests.
    • Behavioral targeting: AdMob will allow publishers to target ads based on user behavior.
  5. New Ad Format Options: AdMob is introducing new ad format options, including:
    • Native ads: AdMob will offer native ads that are designed to blend in with the app's user interface.
    • Carousel ads: AdMob will offer carousel ads that allow users to swipe through multiple ads.
  6. Enhanced Ad Reporting: AdMob is introducing new ad reporting features, including:
    • Ad performance metrics: AdMob will provide publishers with more detailed ad performance metrics, including click-through rates and conversion rates.
    • Ad revenue reporting: AdMob will provide publishers with more detailed ad revenue reporting, including revenue by ad format and ad placement.
  7. New Ad Policy Violation Penalties: AdMob is introducing new penalties for ad policy violations, including:
    • Ad account suspension: AdMob may suspend an ad account if the publisher is found to be in violation of AdMob's policies.
    • Ad revenue deduction: AdMob may deduct ad revenue from a publisher's account if the publisher is found to be in violation of AdMob's policies.

These new policies are designed to improve the user experience, increase transparency, and ensure a fair and transparent advertising environment.