Aditya kumar new jersey

A search for Aditya Kumar from New Jersey!

Here are a few possible individuals with the name Aditya Kumar from New Jersey:

  1. Aditya Kumar (entrepreneur): Aditya Kumar is a entrepreneur and founder of Avail, a fintech company based in New Jersey. He has been featured in various publications, including Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine.
  2. Aditya Kumar (doctor): Aditya Kumar is a doctor of internal medicine and nephrology, currently practicing at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.
  3. Aditya Kumar (student): There may be several students with the name Aditya Kumar enrolled in universities in New Jersey, such as Rutgers University, Princeton University, or New Jersey Institute of Technology.

If you're looking for a specific Aditya Kumar from New Jersey, could you please provide more context or details about the individual you're searching for?