Adidas new logo

You're referring to the recent rebranding of the iconic sportswear brand, Adidas!

In 2020, Adidas unveiled a new logo, which marked a significant departure from the classic three-stripe design that has been synonymous with the brand for over 70 years. The new logo is a simplified, more modern interpretation of the classic design, featuring a single, bold stripe that replaces the traditional three stripes.

The new logo is designed to be more versatile and adaptable, allowing it to be used across various platforms, from apparel and footwear to digital media and marketing campaigns. The design is also meant to be more dynamic and expressive, with the single stripe serving as a symbol of movement and energy.

Here are some key features of the new Adidas logo:

  1. Simplified design: The new logo features a single, bold stripe that replaces the traditional three stripes, making it more streamlined and modern.
  2. Dynamic shape: The stripe is designed to be dynamic and expressive, with a subtle curve that gives the logo a sense of movement and energy.
  3. Adaptive: The new logo is designed to be used across various platforms, from apparel and footwear to digital media and marketing campaigns.
  4. Color scheme: The logo features the classic Adidas colors, including blue, white, and red, which are meant to evoke a sense of heritage and tradition.

The new Adidas logo has been well-received by fans and critics alike, with many praising the brand's bold move to modernize its iconic design. However, some have expressed concerns that the new logo may lose some of the brand's traditional charm and character.

What do you think of the new Adidas logo? Do you like the modern twist, or do you prefer the classic design?