Adeyemi college of education ondo news

Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo (ACEONDO) is a reputable institution in Nigeria, and I'd be happy to provide you with some recent news and updates about the college. Here are a few:

Recent News and Updates:

  1. 2022/2023 Admission List: The college has released the admission list for the 2022/2023 academic session. Candidates who applied for admission can check their admission status on the college's website.
  2. NCE and Degree Programmes: ACEONDO offers a range of NCE (National Certificate in Education) and degree programmes in various fields, including Education, Arts, Social Sciences, Science, and Technology.
  3. Staff Development Programme: The college has organized a staff development programme to enhance the skills and knowledge of its academic and non-academic staff.
  4. Alumni Association: The ACEONDO Alumni Association has been re-launched to promote unity and cooperation among alumni, as well as to provide support to the college.
  5. Infrastructure Development: The college is undergoing infrastructure development, including the construction of new buildings, renovation of existing ones, and provision of modern facilities.
  6. Research and Community Service: ACEONDO has been involved in various research and community service projects, including education for sustainable development, environmental conservation, and community health initiatives.
  7. Student Union Government (SUG) Election: The college has conducted a peaceful SUG election, with a new executive council elected to represent the students.
  8. Lecturer's Strike: There was a brief strike by lecturers in the college, which was resolved through negotiations between the college management and the Academic Staff Union of Educational Institutions (ASUEI).
  9. Student's Welfare: The college has taken steps to improve student welfare, including the provision of scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of support.
  10. Collaboration with Other Institutions: ACEONDO has collaborated with other institutions, including universities and polytechnics, to promote academic excellence and research.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Convocation Ceremony: The college will be hosting its convocation ceremony to confer degrees and diplomas on graduating students.
  2. Lectures and Workshops: ACEONDO will be hosting a series of lectures and workshops on various topics, including education, technology, and entrepreneurship.
  3. Sports and Cultural Events: The college will be hosting sports and cultural events, including the annual inter-house sports competition and cultural festivals.

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news and updates about Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo. For more information, I recommend visiting the college's website or social media pages.