Adeyemi college of education list of new students

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have direct access to real-time information or specific data about individual students. But I can try to provide some general information about Adeyemi College of Education (ACE) and how you can access the list of new students.

Adeyemi College of Education is a reputable institution in Nigeria, and I'm sure they have a system in place to manage student information. Here are a few ways you can try to access the list of new students:

  1. Check the college's website: You can visit the official website of Adeyemi College of Education (ACE) and look for the "Admission" or "Student Affairs" section. They might have a list of new students or a portal where you can access the information.
  2. Contact the college's admissions office: You can reach out to the college's admissions office directly and ask if they have a list of new students available. They might be able to provide you with the information you're looking for.
  3. Check with the student union government (SUG): The student union government (SUG) is usually responsible for representing the students of the college. You can try contacting the SUG president or secretary to see if they have a list of new students.

Please note that the availability and accessibility of this information might depend on the college's policies and procedures. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best in your search!